Kadin Matthews

School:  Douglas Intermediate School
High School Coach:  Bob Bath and Zac Helgeson
Grade:  5th
G.P.A.:  3.5

95-8 (72-0 in state). Triple Crown State Champion 9-10, 60#. 2nd at Western Regionals in greco and freestyle. 2nd in greco and 5th in freestyle at Kids Nationals

Favorite thing about wrestling: It is the best individual sport and the outcome is up to me. I love getting better and I am determined to be the best.

Favorite past wrestler/coach: Dan Gable because he was always focused on his next match. Bob Bath and Zac Helgeson because without them I would not be where I am.

Goals for wrestling/life career: Kids national champion, 3 or 4X high school state champion, Fargo greco national champion, with the ultimate goal of being in the Olympics. Would like to keep wrestling a part of his life, possibly coach.